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Trust Service Provider by ZetesConfidens

ZetesConfidens is the division of Zetes that offers trust services for electronic signing in accordance with the European Union's eIDAS regulation. Its offering covers all e-signature needs, from registration to the signature itself, and including the issuing of certificates, production of smart cards containing certificates, a platform for online signing and sharing of documents, and time stamping services. The eaZy range of solutions from ZetesConfidens (eaZyCert, eaZySign, eaZySeal, eaZyTime and eaZyID) guarantees the easy and practical application of the processes that result in a reliable, legally binding signature.

For general questions and commercial information, please contact:

E-mail address: email
Telephone nr: tel

For legal matters and questions regarding Certificate Practice Statements, Certificate Policies or the Certificate Terms and Conditions please contact:

ZetesConfidens - PKI Policy Management Authority:

a.o. ZetesConfidens PMA
Zetes NV
Straatsburgstraat 3
1130 HAREN
E-mail address: email
Telephone nr: tel
a.o. ZetesConfidens PMA
Zetes SA
3, rue de Strasbourg
E-mail address: email
Telephone nr: tel